Thursday, June 28, 2012

I memorized the Thai National Anthem!!!

-Sister Wikanda sometimes reminds me of my nephews...remembers the
things in English I say that aren't the like 'crap,' or
'freaky,' or 'what the heck'....Hahaha and the other night she said,
"Peace easy" as she was getting off the phone with our District Leader.
she thought it was like more polite or something. Hahaha gotta be

-I love the singles in our branch. They literally just bring their
friends and families for us to teach! It's so fun to see their energy
to share the gospel. They have tasted of the truth and happiness that
comes from nothing else other than the Savior and the Book of Mormon
and they want the world to have it. It charges my battery every time
I'm with them:) so grateful.

-This week we were teaching 3 little kids and their mom about the Plan
of Salvation-Heavenly Father's plan that explains where we were before
this life, why we are here in this life, and where we are going in the
next life... I asked the 12 year old boy after we were done teaching
which of the three kingdoms he wanted to go to after this life, and he
said, "LEVEL SEVEN!!!' Haha clearly we had a little more explaining to
do. We asked again after explaining a bit more and he asked, kinda
with a scared look on his face as he saw the symbol of the sun for the
Celestial kingdom, " it hot there?" :) I loooove teaching
kids the gospel.

-My branch president said "jew-eecy" instead of juicy when he was
describing this delicious Thai fruit we were eating. He reads the
English dictionary, but doesn't always check for pronunciation. Haha
sooo funny.

-This is why my heart almost exploded out of my chest this morning
while I was reading the Book of Mormon (this scripture is referring to
the Book of Mormon itself):

"And no one need say they shall not come, for they surely shall, for
the lord hath spoken it; for out of the earth shall they (the plates
that were translated to be the Book of Mormon) come, by the hand of
the Lord, and none can stay it; and it shall come in a day when it
shall be said that miracles are done away; and it shall come even as
if one should speak from the dead." (Mormon 8: 26, Moroni speaking).

Yes! The Book of Mormon came and it is true and it will never leave
this earth or be overshadowed. Only continue to change more and more
peoples' lives. The Book of Mormon is so true and so powerful. I love
it with all my heart:).

Okay. Love you!!!
Sister Roper

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