Monday, January 9, 2012

Another Baptism!

Buugii 's Baptism

A few months ago there were a bunch of high school kids playing basketball at the church's outside court. They came every day for a few days. Usually we don't target high school kids or younger, but I decided to anyway. Sister Itow and I went over and said, "So if you're gonna play basketball here, then you also have to let us share a message with you." So they smiled and accepted. Oh my goodness. We've been teaching a few of them ever since and we've experience a few of the most spirit-filled lessons together. Last week the first on of the group got baptized. Her name is Buugii and she is so wonderful and strong. She prayed and asked if she could get baptized and then told Heavenly Father she was going to open the Book of Mormon and find her answer, and she opened right up to a scripture that talks about the Book of Mormon....not even on purpose (well ON HER purpose at least). From that she concluded that the Book of Mormon must be the word of God. And that Joseph Smith must be a prophet. And that this church is Christ's true church:). And then she couldn't wait to get baptized, her answer was so clear and strong. This last week we've been talking lots about missions and she already wants to serve one:). Her best friend, Waan, came to the same answer last week also. OH MY GOODNESS. THE BEST PART OF A MISSION is seeing and feeling the Spirit confirm to someone that the gospel is true. It's amazing and so amazingly powerful. Better than anything I've ever felt. So much joy and burning in the bossom. I feel like my whole body is on fire in those moments. And moments like those make all the other moments (the heavy, hard ones) totally totally entirely worth it.

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